Join us at Dolphins Fulltime

Join us at Dolphins Fulltime

Posted on Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Village Motors Dolphins supporters are invited to the “Dolphins Full Time” event this Saturday night in the corporate area of the Des Webb Stand. The event will start after full time and include a cash bar, entertainment and post-match awards.

“We want our sponsors and supporters to be part of our player awards and we will be opening up the corporate area after full time so everyone can come up, meet the players and coaches, purchase a refreshment and see who wins our awards,” Dolphins CEO Tony Murphy said.

The event will include live entertainment and supporters will have the chance to vote for their favourite Intrust Super Cup Village Motors Dolphins player on the day in the Fan Favorite Award. To vote, supporters can grab a voting card when they enter Dolphin Stadium and place their vote in the barrel in the corporate area after full time.

Anyone who votes in the Fan Favorite Award will be in the running to win a Dolphins Supporters Polo and hat (winner must be present to collect prize).
Other Awards handed out after each game include our Player of the Match Awards, thanks to the Rustic Olive and Leading Edge, the Player’s Player Awards for Colts thanks to McCormack’s Meats, and the TriColour Concreting Hard Yakka Award.

“The Corporate Area of the Des Webb Stand is not open to the public during the game as we are hosting the Best of the Dolphins Package. Once the package concludes, and we open the area up, everyone is welcome,” Mr Murphy said.