If your child injures themselves at training or during a game, please advise the Team Manager immediately so the injury can be noted. If you have not been referred to a health specialist for further treatment by your GP, payments due to those specialists are not considered to be Insurance claimable and therefore the cost will be your responsibility.

Insurance claims must be completed within 30 days from the date of injury. Once you have your claim form completed, call our office on 3203 4754 and speak with our Staff about what you need to do before making an appointment for forms to be finalised.

Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance will send an Acknowledgement of Claim with a claim number directly to the player/parent and advise of any other requirements. Due to privacy requirements, all enquiries regarding insurance must be made directly to Arthur J. Gallagher Insurance on 3367 5006.

Government legislation does not allow General Insurers to cover any costs subject to a Medicare rebate. You may also still have other out of pocket expenses applicable due to the