The Dolphins acknowledges the enormous value of social networking websites to promote our Club and celebrate achievements and success. We do however expect all those posting content on social media in relation to the Club to protect and promote our brand in a positive manner.

  • When posting anything that relates to the Club, you:
  • Must not use offensive, provocative or hateful language.
  • Must not post misleading or false information or attempt to injure the reputation of another person or our organisation.
  • Must not share content that contains material, which is in breach of laws, court orders, undertakings, or contracts.
  • Should respect and maintain the privacy of others.
  • Must maintain the privacy of the Club’s confidential information (this includes information that is not publicly accessible or widely known).
  • Should promote the sport and the Club in a positive way.

When using social media, you should be considerate to others and should not post information when you have been asked not to, or where consent has not been sought and given. You must also remove information about another person if that person asks you to do so. Permission should always be sought if the use or publication of information is not incidental, but directly related

to an individual. This is particularly relevant to publishing any information regarding minors. In such circumstances, parental or guardian consent is mandatory.

Branding and Intellectual Property

You must not use any of the Club, league or game’s intellectual property or imagery on your personal social media without prior approval.

Intellectual property includes but is not limited to:

  • Trademarks
  • Logos
  • Slogans and
  • Imagery which has been posted on official social media sites or website.

You must not create either an official or unofficial presence using the organisation’s trademarks, logos or name without prior approval. Further, the Club does not endorse the creation of private Facebook groups for teams. You must not imply that you are authorised to speak on behalf of the Club, league or game unless you have been given official authorisation to do so.

Club Photography

From time to time your child’s image may be captured by photos or videos during training, games, or special events by official Club photographers. Registration with the Club serves as acknowledgement to use any images captured by the Club for the purposes of promotional material, media or other purposes without further permission being necessary. If you do NOT want your child’s image to be used in any promotional material, you must advise the Club accordingly. The Club will provide you with a form to complete, confirming your request. Phone 3203 4754 or email